Whidbey Working Artists 2019 Summer Open Studio Tour Registration
August 24 & 25, 2019
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
August 24 & 25, 2019
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
- The Whidbey Working Artists 2019 Summer Studio Tour will be August 24 & 25, 2019, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Artist registration for the Summer Tour will close February 1, 2019. All participants will be asked to work 3 hours of volunteer service for the tour.
Each of these 6 island zip codes may have 10 studios in the respective zip codes:
- Clinton, WA – 98236
- Langley, WA – 98260
- Freeland, WA – 98249
- Greenbank, WA – 98253
- Coupeville, WA – 98239
- Oak Harbor, WA – 98277
All resident artists at each studio may register for the tour. We ask that all resident artists planning to work the tour please register and pay your fee.
All studios may have 2 guest artists during the tour and these guest artists must register for the tour. We have two off-island artists who will be able to join the tour. We are presently accepting no other off island artists.
Applications are considered complete when registration form, payment and images have been submitted. Registration fee is $200.00 for each artist to cover extensive publicity, and professional services. Only artists with completed applications will be considered officially in the tour. Each applicant will receive an email verification upon completion of application. Please contact [email protected] if you have doubts or problems with your registration.
We will have a tour meeting and potluck June 26, details to follow.
The library display program will be optional.
At the end of the tour all participants will be given an accounting of all monies taken in for the tour and how these monies were dispersed.
Our Registration form works best with a high speed connection. An efficient way to handle the form is to have all your information ready to copy and paste into your form. This will help you avoid time outs on the form and also give you a form to email should your connection not be sufficient. the information you will need is:
- Name
- Studio Address
- Studio Zip Code
- Phone Number
- Website (optional)
- Directions
- Artist Statement
CONNECT. What is going to make people want to see your art? Please don't use your precious space to say you live on Whidbey Island. We are all proud of our degrees but is this going to entice people into your studio? Connect with your audience in 40 words or less. We will edit in some cases.
- images JPG or JPEG
Send your original images via email, as long as you don't exceed the total attachment size limit set by your email server. This limit is usually 25MB per email. If you can't send all of your images at once, send one per email.
Follow the link below to see how to reduce the size of your image files.
Additional image submission information
- Acceptable media type is JPG or JPEG files.
- Please do not submit images with watermarks.
- Don't worry about dpi/ppi (dots/pixels per inch). WWA will reduce image dimensions as needed to suit the catalog, posters, etc.
- You need to make your image files smaller only if they fail to transmit via email. If if you don't know how to shrink your image, try the free image re-compression tool http://www.imagesmaller.com/.
When you are saving a resized image, if the program offers a quality setting choose “Very High” or “8”. If the program allows you to enter a maximum file size, choose ?MB; with this option, the program will automatically determine the quality setting.
- How to check the resolution of a file on a PC
2. Select “Properties” from the menu – a “Properties” dialog box will appear.
3. Click the “Summary” tab at the top of the dialog box.
4. Click “Advanced” button in the Summary window.
5. The Summary will now display the Width and Height of the file in pixels.
6. Using these pixel dimensions, you can now calculate the maximum reproduction size of the file:
350dpi x 5” = 1750
How to check the resolution of a file on a Mac
1. Press “Control” key and click on the file – a drop-down menu will appear.
2. Select “Get Info” from the menu – an “Info” dialog box will appear.
3. The Dimensions of the file will be listed under the “More Info” section of the dialog box.
4. Using these pixel dimensions, you can now calculate the maximum reproduction size of the file: 350dpi x 5” = 1750
How to change image size (Windows):
- • With mouse over image, right click.
- • Click “edit” to launch your usual image editor and resize image, then “save as” with a new name to preserve the original file. Do not save over your original.
Mary Ellen O'Connor is handling artist communication. Please contact her at meoart@hotmail.com for questions about the tour.
The Tour Registrar may be contacted at [email protected]
We use the end of tour survey to craft the next tour. If you have questions you'd like to see on the survey please contact Sue Taves at taves@mac.com
The Whidbey Working Artists Steering Committee is Kay Parsons, Mary Ellen O'Connor, and Janet Lewis
If you have any questions contact registrar at [email protected] or a member of the steering committee. Refunds will be considered on a case by case basis and there is a basic handling fee of $50 for withdrawals.
We have three partial grants available for those who might need help with their registration fee. Please contact Janet Lewis at havilanddesign@mac.com to inquire. If you have received a grant in 2018 for tour you are not eligible again for a fee grant until 2021 tour. If you received a grant in 2016 for tour fees you are eligible for a fee grant until the 2019 tour.
If you get lost in the registration process here are the links.
- Basic Registration Form
- Pay Page which also has instructions for paying by check. This Link will take you to the Island Arts Council Site.
- Image Upload. All artists are asked to submit 2 images of at least 8 MB each and 3 more images of 2 MB each. If you would prefer to email the images in send to [email protected]
Registration opens, January 15, 2019! Good Luck!